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Starts Monday 9th January 2023
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SCARLET FEVER 13 December, 2022 |
Increase in Scarlet Fever and Group A Streptococcus (GAS) cases
I am writing to update you of a recent national increase in notifications of scarlet fever to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), which is above expected levels for the time of year. I have also previously written to all schools and early years settings across Hertfordshire regarding this matter and will be writing again with advice and guidance.
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(This is a meeting of the electorate and not a Parish Council meeting but is facilitated by them)
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FROM 10.30AM – 12NOON
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COVID -19 (Coronavirus) 20 March, 2020 |
Covid – 19 (Coronavirus)
All of us will be affected in one way or another:
Some of us will need to self–isolate
Some of us may not be able to get out for shopping
Others are wondering what they can do to help
If you are self–isolating or require assistance (shopping, someone to talk to, etc.) and no-one has contacted you to offer support - LET US KNOW (Eastwick & Gilston Parish Council) – we will try to help.
Tel: Mark Orson 07787 500819 Janine Bryant 01279 635198
Email: mark.orson@outlook.com piers.bryant@yahoo.co.uk
You may have to leave a message, but we will contact you as quickly as possible
If you want to help, we suggest the best way is to organise at local level with your close neighbours. You could copy the form below (from the OWL Messaging Service) and pop it through your close neighbours’ post boxes to make contact. For more detailed guidance please contact:
Tel: Mark 07787 500819 Janine 01279 635198
Email: mark.orson@outlook.com piers.bryant@yahoo.co.uk
You may have to leave a message, but we will contact you as quickly as possible
Hello! If you are self-isolating, I can help.
My name is ......................................................................................
I live locally at ..................................................................................
My phone number is .........................................................................
If you are self-isolating due to COVID-19 I can help with:
Picking up shopping Posting mail
A friendly phone call Urgent supllies
Just call or text me and I1ll do my best to help you (for free!).
Coronavirus is contagious. Please take every precaution to ensure you are spreading
only kidness. Aviod physical contact (2m distance). Wash your hand regularly. Items should be left on your doorstep.
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Corona Virua - keeping in touch, "What's app" Update 16 March, 2020 |
Dear Residents of Gilston,
🦠 Corona Virus - keeping in touch,
“What’s app” Update.
Because of the recent global heath situation that we all find ourselves in, It would be great if we could all become instantly, more aware of what is happening around us, and look out for each other, if anyone needs help.
Some of you are aware that we have a local Neighbourhood / Community group, called “Gilston Neighbours” - a WhatsApp instant messaging app that goes on your mobile phone.
It works for letting us know if we see anything that may look suspicious, but it can also help if anyone becomes isolated within our community. We would like to get as many local people as possible to join - the more eyes and ears, the better!
For those not familiar with this app - it requires a mobile phone, and for you to download the “WhatsApp” onto your mobile device.
It is an instant messaging app, where you can send an instant message & Photos to multiple members with just one click.
When a member of the group wishes to post something of interest - it will go out instantly to all other members.
For example -
Hi all, be aware - “Two men knocking on doors in Gilston Lane, asked if they could check our water supply - I asked for ID and they drove off!?....”
Or perhaps.....
“Just to let you all know a tree has blown down blocking the road next to the Post box.....”
If you and other members of your household are interested in knowing what is going on in your community, as it happens, please e mail me your name, & mobile number, I will add you to the group.
It doesn’t have to be crime related, any info that may be of interest, is also welcome.
Let’s all try and help each other, and support any vulnerable neighbours that may need assistance.
Kind regards
Neale Biscoe
Cumberland Lodge
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YOUR RESPONSE TO THE GILSTON AREA PLANNING APPLICATIONS 28 July, 2019 | Your response to the Gilston Area Planning Applications Please, before you go on holiday ……… The Neighbourhood Plan Group is working hard to review and make general representations on the three planning applications made by Places for People. We will publish this shortly and would welcome any endorsements of our viewpoints by you as residents and or businesses. It is important that, if you have any concerns over the potential impacts of these proposals on your home, access and local facilities that you record these concerns directly with East Herts Council, before 9th August (we know that some of the consultation period is in the peak holiday season and have made the point that running a consultation exercise over late July early August is unhelpful to residents). Now however is the time to make sure your views are known to our Council before they determine the applications. In essence the applications cover: The Outline application (quote planning reference number 3/19/1045/OUT) Seeks to secure the basic agreements for 6 out of the 7 villages planned to be built North of the Stort Valley and the A414 Gilston and comprises up to 8,500 residential homes and facilities. If you live near one of these proposed villages then they, their construction and associated infrastructure may affect your home and or business. The development will be constructed over the next 20 to 30 years. The Eastern Crossing, (quote planning application reference number 3/19/1051/FUL) Aims to secure a detailed consent to reroute the A414 from Harlow right through the middle of Pye Corner and Terlings Park into Harlow with a new bridge over the River Stort. It makes Pye Corner a cul-de-sac. Central Stort Crossing (quote planning application reference number 3/19/1046/FUL) Widens the existing access and road/rail bridge into Harlow from the Eastwick roundabout and proposes a high-level bridge for pedestrians and cyclists. Things to possibly think about in any response you make: - Have you been adequate consulted on the direct impact of these proposals on your home or business?
- Are the new facilities proposed what you would expect?
- Will the building works impact on your home or enjoyment of the local countryside?
- Will the changes to access work for you?
Responses can be made via https://publicaccess.eastherts.gov.uk/ or by letter to East Herts Council Planning Department, Wallfields, Pegs Lane, Hertford SG13 8EQ using the above references. Full details of these applications can be found at https://publicaccess.eastherts.gov.uk/ using the above references and are available in printed form at East Herts Council Planning Department, Wallfields, Pegs Lane, Hertford SG13 8EQ. Anthony Bickmore, Neighbourhood Plan Group 17th July 2019 [+ read more...] |
PUBLIC EXHIBITION RE PLANNING IN OUR VILLAGES - PLEASE ATTEND 1 July, 2019 | Public exhibitions Copies of the applications are available to view at both EHC and HC's offices and the councils will be running a series of public exhibitions in July on: Monday 1st July at Hunsdon Village Hall, 45 High Street, Hunsdon SG12 8NJ, 4pm-8pm Tuesday 2nd July at Eastwick & Gilston Village Hall, Eastwick Road, Gilston CM20 2RB, 4pm-8pm Thursday 4th July at Harlow Civic Centre Council Chamber, The Water Gardens, Harlow CM20 1WG, 4pm-8pm The exhibitions will be drop-in events and officers will be on hand to help explain the planning applications and how members of the public can have their say on them. Following master planning with the community, more detailed planning applications will come forward on each of the villages. [+ read more...] |
PLACE 4 PEOPLE PLANNING APPLICATON - 2 13 June, 2019 | APPLICATION: 3/19/1046/FUL (Harlow Council Reference HW/CRB/19/00220) PROPOSAL: Alterations to the existing Fifth Avenue road/rail bridge, and creation of new bridges to support the widened highway to west of the existing structure to create the Central Stort Crossing, including embankment works, pedestrian and cycle facilities, a pedestrian and cycle bridge over Eastwick Road, lighting and landscaping works and other associated works AT: Land Adjacent To Fifth Avenue Existing Eastwick Crossing Hertfordshire/Harlow APPLICATION: 3/19/1051/FUL & 3/19/1049/LBC (Harlow Council Reference HW/CRB/19/00221) PROPOSAL: Erection of a new road, pedestrian and cycle bridge; alterations to an existing rail bridge at River Way; alterations to the existing local highway network; lighting and landscaping works; listed building works to Fiddlers Brook Bridge; and other associated works AT: Land To The South And East Of Gilston Village And North Of River Gilston Hertfordshire/Harlow [+ read more...] |
PLACES 4 PEOPLE - PLANNING APPLICATION - 1 13 June, 2019 | APPLICATION: 3/19/1045/OUT PROPOSAL: Outline planning with all matters reserved apart from external vehicular access for the redevelopment of the site through the demolition of existing buildings and erection of a residential led mixed use development comprising up to 8,500 residential homes including market and affordable homes; retirement homes and extra care facilities; a range of community uses including primary and secondary schools, health centres and nursery facilities; retail and related uses; leisure facilities; business and commercial uses; open space and public realm; sustainable urban drainage systems; utility and energy facilities and infrastructure; waste management facilities; vehicular bridge links; creation of new vehicular and pedestrian accesses into the site, and creation of a new vehicular, pedestrian and cycle network within the site; improvements to the existing highway and local road network; undergrounding and diversion of power lines; lighting; engineering works, infrastructure and associated facilities; together with temporary works or structures required by the development. AT: Land North of the Stort Valley and the A414 Gilston Hertfordshire [+ read more...] |
HEGNPG RESPONSE TO INSPECTORS REPORT 18 July, 2018 | Hunsdon, Eastwick and Gilston Neighbourhood Plan Group (HEGNPG) Greatly disappointed by the Inspector’s Approval of the East Herts District Plan to build 10,000 homes in Hunsdon, Eastwick and Gilston, after two-year battle. [+ read more...] |
BE PART OF THE HARLOW AND GILSTON GARDEN TOWN VISION 12 July, 2018 | Be part of the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Vision Harlow Council, Epping Forest District Council and East Herts Council will be hosting events throughout July to unveil the first look of the vision for the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town. The Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Vision sets out the commitment from all involved councils, including Hertfordshire and Essex County Councils, to deliver a high-quality Garden Town with a strong sense of community, a mix of housing in villages and neighbourhoods to suit all budgets and a wide range of facilities and jobs for new and existing residents. To give everyone an opportunity to provide their input and feedback before it is finalised, events are being held in Harlow, Epping and Gilston to welcome as many people as possible The events: Harlow Civic Centre, Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG Monday 2 July – Friday 6 July and Monday 9 July - Friday 13 July, 9am- 4.45pm there will be a static exhibition at Harlow Civic Centre Monday 9 July, 4pm- 8pm, there will be a drop in event with project team members on hand to answer any questions. Epping Forest Civic Office, High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ Monday 2 July- Friday 6 July and Monday 9 July - Friday 13 July, 9am- 5pm there will be a static exhibition at the Epping Forest Council Civic Offices Thursday 5 July, 4pm-8pm there will be a drop in event with project team members on hand to answer any questions. Gilston and Eastwick Village Hall, Gilston, Herts CM20 2RB Thursday 12 July, 4pm- 8pm there will be a drop in event with project team members on hand to answer any questions. Claire Hamilton, Director, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town said: “We are really excited to share our Vision for the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town with you. This Vision demonstrates our commitment to deliver a successful Garden Town with existing and new communities at its heart. We do hope you can join us at one of these events to share with us your thoughts on this Vision. This is your opportunity to start shaping the future of the Garden Town.” ENDS Consultation materials will be available on the individual Council websites together with a feedback form, for completion by 5pm on Friday 27 July. Feedback forms to be returned to either harlowandgilston@am-up.com or the Garden Town Team at Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, CM16 4BZ. [+ read more...] |